"A Meeting Is An Event In Which The
Minutes Are Kept & The Hours Are lost"
~ Unknown
A meeting is a gathering or assembly where the employee meets with a certain agenda to discuss the issue of the organization to support or realize the object or goals that need to be achieved over time. There can be specific duties attached to it or a business-related task. It a part of the enterprise which is devoted to the direction and ethics of the organization. It is done keeping in mind the context of the main motive. It can be related to any kind of issue or for any basic gathering. A meeting need not be always for an official or formal purpose. It is mainly done with a group of people who participate in their own way which may or may not be related to any particular motive.
On the other hand, meetings can be fun as well as boring depending upon the participants who are attending it or on the agenda for which they are gathered. Even it has moments to share especially when it is done with people who don't know each other. It shows the ups and down, i.e, the introductory part when everyone comes to know each other, then the heat of the discussion giving rise to conflict between the members. Next comes the stage of approval when the members appreciate each other's work & giving rise to a proper solution & accepting it unanimously.
Such is the series, which I tried to create in a conference room while covering a summit on behalf of International Press in Model United Nations whose agenda of discussion was the “Security Policies of United Nations”. I have tried to take you through all the stages of the forum in an ingenious way in a series that depicts all the unique moments.
The Meeting begins with all the members, each with their own objective.
One of the members (left) with the head of the forum.
Lethargy & un-unanimity among the members as no one is putting up with the others.
The heat of the discussion.
One of the members trying to overpower the other.
The moment of contentment among the members as they are one now.
End of the rendezvous.
It is well said, my hours were lost shooting the essence of the meeting. It is the first time I tried to create documentation of such a forum. I have portrayed the other side of a normal summit. Thus, engage in such meetings to get more out of it.